
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from February 2007 (3)

    • Antonio
    • Mexico
    • 22 February, 2007

    Saludos from Mexico!

    Very clear instructions on Pic programing.
    I'm taking a colege course on microcontrollers, but my teacher was always a big A*s >_<
    Your site helped me understand the basics, now I'm on my own and I'm doing fine! Thanks alot!

    • Oliver Roditi
    • Glasgow, Scotland
    • 22 February, 2007

    Would like to congratulate you on the amazing site. I'm currently sitting with an A100 in front of me and am utterly astounded, such an informative site with a great design. Haven't found much like this for a long time.

    • Caros Chean
    • Brazil
    • 18 February, 2007

    Wow, I was impressed with your work! As a Musical Fidelity enthusiast, I own 2 A-1, a "British Fidelity" labeled american model and a mkIII version. I also own a P140 power amp and a Digilog DAC. I hope to get a Collector's Edition someday. Please keep with the good job!